First Line Therapy

Metabolic Syndrome is a combination of three different factors:

  •     High blood pressure
  •     High cholesterol
  •     High blood sugar levels

If left untreated, it could lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or even a stroke.

Doctors believe that one of the most effective ways to treat metabolic syndrome is with lifestyle medicine. Lifestyle medicine is a treatment philosophy designed to improve your health without the use of pharmaceuticals. This holistic approach to wellness can not only help you manage your weight and cardiovascular health, it can also improve conditions such as fatigue, low sex drive, stress, and poor memory. One program for lifestyle medicine is First Line Therapy.

First Line Therapy is a long term wellness plan designed by medical professionals. The goal of this program is not just to help you lose weight, but to enhance your quality of life by improving your overall health.

During First Line Therapy, you:

  •     Establish realistic goals
  •     Track your progress
  •     Build muscle and burn fat to improve your body composition
  •     Learn to eat better
  •     Manage your stress and make it easier to relax

Further Details

One of the foundations of first line therapy is bioelectrical impedance analysis, or BIA. Bio-impedance analysis provides your physician with a complete look at your body. This includes your body fat, body water, and mass. BIA gives your doctor a wealth of information about your system, which allows them to create the ideal first line therapy for you.

Nutrition plans include suggestions for five to six small meals and include foods such as brown and wild rice, oats, quinoa, leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, fish, and nuts.